Slide Out Menu


How to Make a Slide Out Menu with Objective-C in Xcode
You Tube — How to Make a Slide Out Menu with Objective-C in Xcode
How To Add a Slide-out Sidebar Menu in Your Apps

  1. SingleviewApplication
  2. device iphone
  3. download files and copy (SWRevealViewController)
  4. storyboard view class change(SWRevealViewController)
  5. storyboard tableviewcontroller navigationcontroller drug
  6. navigationcontroller tableview delete viewcontroller drug
  7.  ctrl & drug navigationcontroller → view controller
  8. ctrl & drug → tableview controller (revealviewcontroller)   sw_real デモ版ではrevealviewcontroller set
  9. ctrl & drug → navigation view controller (revealviewcontroller) sw_front デモ版ではrevealviewcontroller set
  10. view controller class change viewcontroller
  11. property uibarbuttonitem barbutton (demoでは、sidebarButton)
  12. storyboard bar button item add view file connect
  13. import SWRevealViewController
  14. viewdidload = seld.RevealViewControlle
  15. viewdidload _barbutton.action = @selector(Revealtoggle:)
  16. gesturerecognize (pan)
  17. run
  18. tableviewcontroller class file create connect
  19. nsarray menu viewloaded initialize(first second)
  20. sectoin = 1
  21.  numberofrows menu.count
  22. cellforrowindexpath
  23. cell protypecell = 2 style basic
  24. cell title hello world
  25. cell identifier first second
  26. cell and table color backgroundcolor
  27. storyboard上にて viewcontroller 複数コピー (cellタップ遷移対応)
  28. 各cellからview controller ctrl+ドラッグ revealviewcontroller
  29. tableview segue
  30. tableview import SWRevealViewController