How to Make a Slide Out Menu with Objective-C in Xcode
You Tube — How to Make a Slide Out Menu with Objective-C in Xcode
How To Add a Slide-out Sidebar Menu in Your Apps
- SingleviewApplication
- device iphone
- download files and copy (SWRevealViewController)
- storyboard view class change(SWRevealViewController)
- storyboard tableviewcontroller navigationcontroller drug
- navigationcontroller tableview delete viewcontroller drug
- ctrl & drug navigationcontroller → view controller
- ctrl & drug → tableview controller (revealviewcontroller) sw_real デモ版ではrevealviewcontroller set
- ctrl & drug → navigation view controller (revealviewcontroller) sw_front デモ版ではrevealviewcontroller set
- view controller class change viewcontroller
- property uibarbuttonitem barbutton (demoでは、sidebarButton)
- storyboard bar button item add view file connect
- import SWRevealViewController
- viewdidload _barbutton.target = seld.RevealViewControlle
- viewdidload _barbutton.action = @selector(Revealtoggle:)
- gesturerecognize (pan)
- run
- tableviewcontroller class file create connect
- nsarray menu viewloaded initialize(first second)
- sectoin = 1
- numberofrows menu.count
- cellforrowindexpath
- cell protypecell = 2 style basic
- cell title hello world
- cell identifier first second
- cell and table color backgroundcolor
- storyboard上にて viewcontroller 複数コピー (cellタップ遷移対応)
- 各cellからview controller ctrl+ドラッグ revealviewcontroller
- tableview segue
- tableview import SWRevealViewController